Don't get lured in by impossibly low prices

Are you considering hiring fly-by-night and/or lowballing hackers like this to open or make keys for your vehicle?

These people are out there in droves, waiting to take your money! They don’t mind causing thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to get into your vehicle if it means putting a few dollars in their pockets!

Don’t allow yourself to become one of their victims!

Do your research. Make sure they are at least licensed to perform locksmith services in North Carolina at: It’s the law.

Are you tempted to hire a “locksmith” service you saw advertising on the internet that offers $15.95/$19.95 service? Think again. No LEGITIMATE locksmith has offered those prices since the 1960’s. It’s just a tactic the scammers and criminals use to lure you in, then start tacking on huge charges after they gain entry by destroying your property.

Make sure the company you contract to open or make keys for your vehicle isn’t one that does more harm than good!

Call a licensed and Certified Automotive Locksmith. Call Barker’s Lock Service in Apex, NC and know that we will make keys or open your vehicle with NO damage, guaranteed!